Five European Regions Design Action Plans on INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS Supported by the TRIS Initiative
Five European regions (Kronoberg, Sweden; Emilia Romagna, Italy; Central Hungary, Hungary; Birmingham, United Kingdom, and Valencia, Spain) are developing the Interreg Europe TRIS project. This project aims to share the best practices in Industrial Symbiosis (IS), support public authorities and organisations involved in the resource efficiency and competitiveness of their SMEs, improving the regional policies that are relevant to SI.
One of the TRIS project results consists of the design of an Action Plan on Industrial Symbiosis for each of the regions that are part of the project. In the Community of Valencia, this plan has been designed jointly by IVACE and AIDIMME.
Action Plans propose specific activities to develop industrial symbiosis events that elaborate specific models for SMEs to engage in industrial symbiosis activities.
They are designed to develop the needs of both interested parties and policy objectives. These models are based on good practices of Industrial Symbiosis, as well as on experiences shared with other European regions.
Actions Plans are drawn up based on the results obtained in “industrial symbiosis meetings” (IS LAB) held throughout the project, following an interactive process. Their implementation is intended to lead to changes in regional policies.
The exchange of experiences between regions established common approaches and gives out details of the information acquired from the cooperation.
The Action Plan of the Community of Valencia is based on two main lines:
- Visibility and presence of Industrial Symbiosis.
- Instruments to promote Industrial Symbiosis actions.
For more information related to the INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS project by TRIS initiative, contact AIDIMME.