WOODMARKETS project launches different activities aiming to innovate in the digital transformation of the wood-furniture sector in the SUDOE area
In order to assess the current situation of the sector, the project partners from the SUDOE area have launched, among other activities, the creation of several expert panels. Experts will represent different representatives from the industry and also from public institutions.
WOODMARKETS seeks the improvement of digital skills of companies in the wood processing sector (1st, 2nd and 3rd) in the SUDOE area to enhance their visibility, competitiveness and resilience in a global market.
There are 3 specific objectives:
1) To help companies in the wood sector to define a strategy to support the digital transition.
2) To support the development of digital innovation tools and services for woodworking SMEs.
3) To improve the capacities and competences of SMEs and their sectoral entities to accelerate the digital transition.

To achieve these objectives, the project focuses on 4 task forces or activities. Firstly, the project will address aspects of project capitalisation and previous actions, with a product which will be an online Module for the Use of Digital Tools and Resources (TF1). This will be followed by the identification of business needs in terms of digital transition (TF2). This task force will produce a shared transnational strategy and a digitisation plan for the sector, elements that will be transferred to be integrated into public policies.
TF3 will be the core of the project with the deployment of the Transnational Support Service for Digital Transformation. Digital tools and services will be developed and/or adapted to improve production processes, business management and product marketing. All this will be done through the development of a Catalogue of Services and Tools that will be offered to SMEs and adapted to their needs, assessing the degree of efficiency and cost of implementation. AIDIMME will be the coordinator of these activities, since it is one of the partners with the greatest knowledge of digital transformation and Industry 4.0.
Finally, TF4 will implement actions focused on improving competences and skills in digitisation, helping SMEs to foster networking between digital service providers and sectorial needs and implementing training actions. A Common Transnational Training Plan will be implemented.
We are currently working on the capitalisation and evaluation of projects related to Industry 4.0 and ICTs, which will be made into files for distribution to companies. Many of these projects have developed that can be incorporated into the wood-furniture sector, through innovation and updating.
Moreover, we are also working on the creation of several expert panels at regional level to assess the current situation and the needs of the sector, and help us to set future guidelines, which will be included in the digitalisation plan. The partners of the Valencia region, FEVAMA, CCCV and AIDIMME met to agree on the composition of experts and to advance in different tasks of the project.

Given the current situation, in view of the fact that the next face-to-face meeting (planned in Valencia) will have to be postponed, meetings are being held online to ensure the progress of the project.

The WOODMARKETS project, led by FORESPIR, where the Council participates as a partner responsible for Communication and Broadcasting, has 12 partners: 5 Spanish partners (Consorci Centre de Ciència I Tecnologia Forestal of Catalonia, Baskegur, AIDIMME, FEVAMA and the Council of Chambers of the Valencia Community), 5 French partners (FORESPIR, FIBOIS Occitanie, CRITTBois Occitanie, Pôle de Compétitivité XYLOFUTUR and Associatioun pour la Valorisation des Bois des Pyrénées) and 2 Portuguese partners (Centro de Inovação Empresarial da Beira Interior and y Centro de Inovação e Competências da Floresta Associação).

In addition, it also has the support of several partners organisations: Asociación de empresarios de la madera de Navarra, Agence de Développement Économique de la Région Occitanie /Pyrénées-Méditerranée, PINHOSER, and Associação para a competitividad da indústria da fileira florestal.
The Project lasts 36 months, it will finish in September 2022, and it is co-funded by the Interreg SUDOE Programme (ERDF).

Project Number: 21800063
Grant Agreement: SOE3 / P2 / F0925
Duration: From 01/10/2019 to 31/03/2023
R&D Line: INDUSTRY 4.0
For more information please contact with AIDIMME
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