AIDIMME will participate in the Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing EBAM-2020 Conference by presenting the EBM CuCrZr material development specifically designed for its application in nuclear fusion

AIDIMME will take part in the Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing EBAM-2020 Conference, presenting the EBM CuCrZr material development designed for its application in nuclear fusion. This is a biannual European reference event in the sector, a virtual encounter that will take place on the 5th, 6th and 7th of October.

AIDIMME will attend as a special guest to present its current work alongside the CEIT Technological Centre on the CuCrZr material development through Electron Beam Melting (EBM) technology. This material is a copper-based metal alloy with high resistance that shows qualities exclusively designed for the nuclear fusion sector.

This collaboration is part of the Training Excellence in Additive Manufacturing with Metallic Materials Strategic Programme (CEFAM Additive Manufacturing Excellence).

In this synergy, the metallic powder CuCrZr is produced by CEIT, while AIDIMME contributes to the development of process parameters to create this material through EBM. In order to reach the manufacture of demonstrators in a relevant environment, here below are early results of EBM-technology CuCrZr test tubes. 

CuCrZr EBAM-2020
CuCrZr material samples manufactured through EBM technology specifically designed for nuclear fusión.

CEFAM is one of seven projects financed by the 2019 Red Cervera CDTI programme, framed in the 2017-2020 Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research Government Plan, as part of the Institutional Empowerment State Subprogramme created to promote leadership and international excellence in the main research institutions and organisms in the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation System.

«Centro de Excelencia Cervera»

For more information contact AIDIMME.

Views: 74

Julia María Ureña Alcazar

TECNOLOGÍAS Y PROCESOS • Nuevos procesos de Fabricación