Outstanding conference held on “Additive Manufacturing and its application in the medical sector” within the framework of the European INEX-ADAM Project

The European Project INEX-ADAM – INcreasing EXcellence on ADvanced Additive Manufacturing (call H2020-WIDESPREAD-05-2017-Twinning) reaches the halfway point of its duration, 2018-2022, and is now entering the last period of activity.

In this project, AIDIMME participates as an expert partner with the main objective of facilitating and providing knowledge to the Centre for Additive Technologies, CATeh of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of Zagreb, Croatia, UNIZAG FSB (https://www.fsb.unizg.hr/) so that it becomes a sectoral reference centre.

26th November

In November, an international conference was held, although it was initially planned to be held in Croatia, due to the pandemic situation, it was finally held online.

The conference “Additive Manufacturing in Medical Application” took place on 26th November. An event in which the possibilities and advantages offered by additive manufacturing in the medical sector were presented. This conference was divided into 7 talks in which the additive manufacturing technologies employed in this sector were shown. In addition, specific applications in the dental sector, orthoses, implants, as well as the manufacture of models for training and the results of R&D projects were presented.

In this conference, Luis Portolés, head of Strategic Markets and Exploitation of AIDIMME presented the paper “Introduction to additive manufacturing technologies and their application to medical devices”. In it, he showed AIDIMME’s capabilities in additive manufacturing as well as the results of different R&D projects developed in this field.

Luis Portolés (AIDIMME) during his participation in the conference.
Damir Godec (UNIZAG FSB), Luis Portolés (AIDIMME), José Francisco González (Oralesa Clínica dental/ Universidad Cardenal Herrera CEU).

Besides the presentation delivered by Luis Portolés, we also counted on the presence of José Francisco González, dentist at Oralesa dental clinic and professor at the Cardenal Herrera CEU University in Valencia, who demonstrated the use of additive manufacturing in the daily work of his dental clinic.

Upcoming events

It is worth mentioning that on 17 December 2021 the Summer School Medical Modelling for Additive Manufacturing will be held, where AIDIMME will give a presentation focused on the adaptation of designs to be manufactured with these technologies and where we will once again have the participation of José Francisco González focusing on the process of taking data from patients to the preparation of models for 3D printing in the dental sector. 

You can consult all the information related to this conference and the different activities of the INEX-ADAM Project:



Project Number: 21700189
Grant Agreement: 810708
Duration: From 01/07/2018 to 28/02/2022

This R&D project, file number 810708, has been funded by the European Union Programme (Horizon 2020-WIDESPREAD-05-2017-Twinning call).

NEX-ADAM Project

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For more information contact AIDIMME.

Visitors: 76

Olga Jordá Ferrando

TECNOLOGÍAS Y PROCESOS • Nuevos Procesos de Fabricación