Alertas Normalización. Adquisición de Norma nueva: ISO 24338:2022
Anula a: ISO 24338:2014
Título: Laminate floor coverings. Determination of abrasion resistance.
Objeto: This document specifies two methods (A and B) for measuring abrasion of laminate floor covering elements. The tests described measure the ability of the surface layer to resist abrasive wear-through.
Abrasion according to method A is achieved by rotating a test specimen in contact with a pair of loaded cylindrical wheels covered with specified abrasive paper. The resistance to wear according to method
B is evaluated by abrading the face of test pieces with a specified abrasive applied by means of two loaded wheels. The number of revolutions of the test specimen required to cause a defined degree of abrasion is measured by both methods.
Aplica: Laminate floor coverings.
Anula a: ISO 24338:2014.
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