MADISON, an excellence in additive manufacturing, kick-off meeting
MADISON, promoted by AIDIMME, CATEC, CEIT and LORTEK, is one of the total twelve projects financed by CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación) within the frame of the programme “CERVERA grants for Institutes of excellence for Research in Technology” 2023.
CEFAM (Centro de Excelencia en la Fabricación Aditiva de materiales Metálicos) a R & D project financed by CDTI along the frame of Red Cervera programme being offered on 2019, brought together AIDIMME, CATEC, CEIT and LORTEK, four research centres of excellence within Spanish territory and Europe. Collaboration through CEFAM, was an opportunity to lay the foundations for this new project, MADISON.
Additive Manufacturing, Digitalization and Sustainability, a project, coordinated by AIDIMME, which will contribute towards developing innovation over the whole value chain of the Additive Manufacturing through a holistic approach of all its processes, from manufacturing and characterization of metal powder (as starting material); exploring processes to obtain novel materials, improvement in processing semi-finished components and products; to establishing and approval of testing methodologies in order to upgrade these productive processes into industrial level (finished products).
The partners came together on 24th of April 2024, at AIDIMME headquarters in Paterna (Valencia). Throughout this kick-off meeting, the representatives designated on behalf of each member of consortium, went over the common goals, confirmed the scope, established responsibilities, and the shared tools to collaborate effectively, outlined main milestones and the action plan required to develop and complete the project with success.
The project aims to overcome the following six specific limitations and challenges in this area of industry:
- Development of raw materials of five different alloys and powder manufacturing through simulation and manufacturing of powders and additives.
- Gradual major improvements over Additive Manufacturing technologies or developing innovative approach to addressing the challenges currently exist in this demanding market to develop unique strategies that have not tried before.
- Analysis and evaluation of experimental challenges to provide improvements in materials processing throughout post-treatments and characterization, based on process operating conditions.
- Defining digital modelling techniques which generally offers a faster and more cost-effective solution.
- Development of non-destructive inspection technologies and methodologies.
- Life cycle sustainability assessment of new and/or existing Additive Manufacturing processes as well as the recyclability of materials.
The project approach encompasses various markets such as aeronautics, space, energy, medical and health, scientific organisms, automative, material supply chain, heavy machinery and equipment, are highlighted among others. All the mentioned sectors, promote value addition and enhance domestic technological productive capacity, which are the key policies for development and growth of an economy.

For more information call: +34 961366070 or contact AIDIMME
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