Alertas Normalización. Adquisición de Norma nueva: ISO 18616-1:2016

Transport packaging – Reusable, rigid plastic distribution boxes – Part 1: General purpose application


This document specifies the four main types of reusable, rigid plastic distribution boxes for general purpose application in the fields of handling, transport, storage and display of products in distribution systems from the point of manufacture to the point of retail services:

  • a) rigid parallelepipedic and rectangular boxes (stackable boxes);
  • b) foldable boxes;
  • c) nestable boxes;
  • d) nestable and stackable boxes.

These boxes are based on the modular area 600 mm × 400 mm, 600 mm × 500 mm, 550 mm × 366 mm and subdivisions of them. This document defines the main types of rigid plastic distribution boxes, dimensions, safety, designation, marking and labeling.This document is designed for general purpose applications in a returnable transport system.

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