AIDIMME takes part in the I-ESA 2022

  • Last 23rd and 25th of March, the 11th edition of the IESA international conference was held in Valencia.
  • In this congress about interoperability in business systems and applications, the AIDIMME technicians presented the different activities the institute carries out.

A practical experience of AI Solution used to improve varnishing-process efficiency in furniture manufacturing

AIDIMME’s Technology and Processes technician Juan Del Agua presented the article ‘A practical experience of AI Solution used to improve varnishing process efficiency in furniture manufacturing’ framed in the workshop ‘Artificial Intelligence beyond Efficiency’.

The presentation exhibited the results of a research where a predictive model to estimate the amount of deposited varnish (grams per square metre) in a flat board was developed.

To conduct this research, an experiment with a roller-coating machine available at AIDIMME’s pilot facility was carried out. With the gathered information of the sensors in different parts of the machine, artificial intelligence techniques were applied to obtain the mentioned predictive model.

Juan Del Agua of AIDIMME during his presentation.

The attendees appreciated obtaining a highly accurate model in a research that applied to a real process.

Experts from the artificial intelligence field recognised that one of the main problems to initiate these solutions in industrial environments is the machine sensorisation required to capture data and carry out model training.

Given the experience in this field, AIDIMME explained that the key is to have from the beginning of the project the production and maintenance staff, to help identify if the external sensor installation will influence the machine’s daily operations. With the agreement and commitment of all the parts, many of the problems derived from this stage can be solved.

During the congress, many research initiatives and results with similar objectives were presented, focusing on the development of predictive systems such as the delivery period in the manufacturing process.

AIDIMME is a specialist in the Industry 4.0 since it is part of the nine points in the Institute’s research and development projects.

Mobile robotics experimentation in industrial environment

Fernando Gigante, Technologies and Processes technician at AIDIMME, presented the article ‘Mobile robotics experimentation in industrial environment’ drafted by AIDIMME and ITC.

It featured a small description of the conditions that the solutions in mobile robotics in industrial environments must accomplish, which are included in the scope of the LOGIBLOCK – Modular platform for the management and display of autonomous vehicle fleet and logistics robots in SME project.

Fernando Gigante from AIDIMME during his presentation.

To this effect, the characteristics of the Industry 4.0 were displayed, including the need to create secure collaborative environments where workers and devices can operate in order to improve resource management and productivity.  

It described the characteristics of the main types of mobile robots currently used in the industry and the methodology used to carry out the research: identifying key actors, developing a survey for the manufacturers, defining the requirements that a solution of this type must meet, and detecting key indicators to evaluate the impact of implementing these solutions.

Subsequently, a testing scenario of industrial mobile robotics systems based in the robotics laboratory at AIDIMME was introduced, along with a usage case in the ceramics sector.

Lastly, it presented the main obstacles found in enterprises when they adopt these solutions and the main aspects they should include, such as the future actions they must conduct related to this research.

Application of a Visual and Data Analytics Platform for Industry 4.0 enabled by the Interoperable Data Spine: A Real-world Paradigm for Anomaly Detection in the Furniture Domain

This name belongs to the article presented by Fernando Gigante from AIDIMME, describing the initial findings of his work in advanced analysis functions using interoperability provided by EFPF Data Spine.

The article is part of the EFPF project which conducts a federated smart manufacturing factory ecosystem by mainly interconnecting four smart factory platforms from the FoF-11-2016 group through an open and interoperable Data Spine.

The name belongs to the article presented by Fernando Gigante from AIDIMME and drawn up by CERTH, FRAUNHOFER FIT and AIDIMME associates.

It presents a paradigm about the detection of anomalies in the furniture industry – which also applies to other sectors – demonstrating the implementation of an analytics tool via the Data Spine (DS) component that provides interoperability between services.

Fernando Gigante from AIDIMME during his presentation.

This component was developed in the context of the EFPF (European Connected Factory Platform for Agile Manufacturing) European project.

After an overall perspective of the topics to be discussed, the current problem related to operability between different systems is described, as well as how DS allows this communication between services on different platforms ­– such as via the transformation of data models.

The component’s architecture is explained in more detail, depicting a data flow that illustrates its implementation in a real environment.

Some details about the analytic tool used (Visual and Data Analytics Tool) are also described, as well as its deployment from the user’s perspective and the algorithms involved in the data analysis machine.

The use case is represented by the children’s furniture manufacturing company LAGRAMA.

Finally, the obtained conclusions from the research are described.

I-ESA Interoperability for enterprise systems and applications

The international conference, which has been going on for 11 editions, chose Valencia to be the host of the 2022 conference – as happened in 2012.

The I-ESA 2022 Conference is organized by the Universitat Politècnica de València on behalf of INTERVAL (Spanish centre of INTEROP-Vlab) and the Virtual Laboratory for Enterprise Interoperability, sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing and the International Federation of Automatic Control.

The event offers the opportunity to exchange experiences in enterprise interoperability.

For further information contact AIDIMME.

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